Medical Department

Every expat, age of 18 year or above, who want to obtain UAE residency visa in any form i.e. work, residence, investor, partner or family etc. he must obtain the medical fitness certificate from Government medical facility, not from private. This certificate enables the expat to apply to complete the visa procedure.
When you arrive at UAE, you need to fulfill this mandatory medical requirement. UAE is the most attractive tourist place as well as attractive business place too. This activity ensures the country healthy and safe for each one.

Categories of Test and results status:

TestGroupFor New VisaFor RenewalResult
(Probably action if +ve)
AIDS/HIVAll ExpatsYESYESDeportation
Hepatitis B1.Babysitter
2. Domestic Helper
3. Kindergarten
4. Nursery employee
5. Worker at health club
6. Barber shops
7. Restaurant
YESMay be1. Treated and permit to stay
2. Treated and deported
3. Not Treated but Deported
LeprosyAll ExpatsYesMay beDeportation
2.Domestic Helper
4.Nursery employee
5.Worker at health club
6.Barber shops
Tuberculosis (TB)All ExpatsYesYesTreatment then Deported

Required Documents:
For New Visa

  • Copy of passport
  • National ID Copy
  • 2 picture of applicant with white background
  • Sponsor documents
  • Letter from typing office in Arabic
  • Health card number if have
  • Medical test fee

For Visa Renewal

  • Copy of residence permit
  • Copy of passport
  • 2 picture of applicant with white background
  • Copy of Labor Card or ID
  • Health card number if have
  • Medical test fee

Type of Medical

  • Normal Medical – Result take probably 5-6 working days
  • 48 hours Medical – Result take probably 2 working days
  • 24 hours Medical – Result within 24 hours
  • VIP Medical – Result within 3-4 hours